01473 (Fractionalized)

01473 (Fractionalized)

UPDATE 12/3/22: The token, receipt, and book have been reunited! Congratulations to the collector who hunted down the book!

Last night we were starving after meeting up with some friends over coffee. So we went out to dinner at a new place and enjoyed an amazing meal. The service was great and the food was even better. When the check arrived, it came in an old book. Inside the book, previous patrons had written fun little notes of gratitude to the server and establishment. So I dashed off Minnaar #01473 featuring The Running Man.

I now offer the receipt (with restaurant contact info) for trade.

If you can persuade the server or restaurant to part with this book (or buy the receipt from you), the two can be combined to make a completed Minnaar and you would have a fun story to tell. When combined, the individual pieces can be framed and displayed together.

This begins my new “In The Wild” mini-series and should be lots of fun for those of you who love the thrill of the chase!

Token of Authenticity included.

Token of Authenticity:



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