The Art of Freedom

The Art of Freedom

In 2021, I created a bitcoin treasure hunt using my art to promote the ideals of freedom.

Each artwork includes 1 or more of the 24 words needed to unlock a treasure containing over one full bitcoin. Collect all 24 words, guess the right combination, and take the bitcoin!


Minnaars are unforgeable because each comes with a cryptographically signed Certificate of Authenticity.

Scarcity, Abundance, and The Art of the Trade

I call my art Minnaar Money because I use it as both my currency and my exclusive store of value. This means that very few make it into circulation each year because I only trade when I have a need.

I believe that owning rare, unforgeable Minnaar art is a valuable form of wealth that you can store and enjoy on your wall, paying dividends every time you look at it. A Minnaar is one of the ultimate bearer assets.

I value my original artworks at 1 oz gold each and my prints at 1 oz silver each (or the bitcoin equivalent).

Contact me to get on the waiting list to trade when you find a Minnaar that you would like to own.


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View the catalog, or visit the Minnaar Museum & Library located in Dana Point, CA, to experience selected pieces in real life.

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