The Evils of Fiat Money

Fiat money is considered evil because it undermines the principles of individual freedom, property rights, and free markets. Here are some key issues with fiat currency:

1. Theft: Fiat money is a type of money created by a group of individuals as a means of control over other individuals. By convincing or forcing others to use their money, they can steal by simply issuing more and trading it to the ignorant in exchange for their valuable goods and services.

2. Socialism/Central Planning: Fiat money enables Socialist central planners to manipulate the money supply, which leads to distortions in the economy. Austrian economists show how central planning interferes with market signals, creates economic inefficiencies, and hampers innovation.

3. Financing Endless Wars and Special Interest Groups: This same group of individuals often uses the plunder from inflation and taxation to finance endless wars and benefit special interest groups at the expense of everybody else.

A simple solution is to simply opt-out and stop using this “blood money.” Begin using alternatives like barter, bitcoin, and commodities like precious metals.

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