“The Journey – 100 Days” 25″ x 35″ India Ink on paper and fractionalized into 100 2.5" x 3.5" individual paintings with a Trade Value...
“The Journey – 100 Days” 25″ x 35″ India Ink on paper and fractionalized into 100 2.5" x 3.5" individual paintings with a Trade Value of 1 oz gold each. Available for individual trade. Certificate of Authenticity: 07742fd2610d72fa7957d619e0117d2a73a591e07d3c2eceb186c706b708213d                 The Journey A winding road, a path unknown, With loved ones near, or on our own. Life's tapestry, in constant weave, We catch the breeze, the sails receive. The storm may rage, the waters churn, But wisdom guides, a lesson learned. A guiding star, a distant light, Yet detours hold, a hidden might. Embrace...


"The Journey - 100 Days" 25" x 35" India Ink on paper This painting is an uncut sheet of 100 paintings. Certificate of Authenticity: 33a4502cea29a58d4b93e910175eb114d8902a00321100f6bd45617245d67dbf...
"The Journey - 100 Days" 25" x 35" India Ink on paper This painting is an uncut sheet of 100 paintings. Certificate of Authenticity: 33a4502cea29a58d4b93e910175eb114d8902a00321100f6bd45617245d67dbf                 The Journey A winding road, a path unknown, With loved ones near, or on our own. Life's tapestry, in constant weave, We catch the breeze, the sails receive. The storm may rage, the waters churn, But wisdom guides, a lesson learned. A guiding star, a distant light, Yet detours hold, a hidden might. Embrace the tears, the laughter's chime, For darkness deep and sunlit climb. This is...


"Satoshi Nakamoto" 40" x 30" oil on canvas Certificate of Authenticity: 81dc2f0363907f146cbd56e687b435def2e56506ee59f40be4d6b88c296d807f Who is Satotoshi Nakamoto? Who is John Galt? In this portrait series I...
"Satoshi Nakamoto" 40" x 30" oil on canvas Certificate of Authenticity: 81dc2f0363907f146cbd56e687b435def2e56506ee59f40be4d6b88c296d807f Who is Satotoshi Nakamoto? Who is John Galt? In this portrait series I pay tribute to the "faceless heroes" who work everyday to help bring about a better world through the use and development of an honest monetary system known as bitcoin. Satoshi Nakamoto, its pseudonymous creator, is a real life John Galt who shows us a way to a better future. There are countless numbers of "plebs" all around us who are diligently working to make this a reality and I pay tribute to you. You are...


"Peer-to-Peer" series 36"×36" India Ink on canvas This series of original mounted canvas paintings is created to honor and promote true Peer-to-Peer value exchange. Token...
"Peer-to-Peer" series 36"×36" India Ink on canvas This series of original mounted canvas paintings is created to honor and promote true Peer-to-Peer value exchange. Token of Authenticity 96f87adfb794e1c9242cdbf3e99197215f0f8f94ad7386f03b73cd455c14f8a1


"Peer-to-Peer" series 36"×36" India Ink on canvas #1 of 2 for 2023 This series of original mounted canvas paintings is created to honor and promote...
"Peer-to-Peer" series 36"×36" India Ink on canvas #1 of 2 for 2023 This series of original mounted canvas paintings is created to honor and promote true P2P value exchange. No more than 147 of these originals will be made in this size in my lifetime. Contact me to reserve yours.


30" x 22" India ink on paper Formless Substance "There is a formless substance from which all things are made, and which, in its original...
30" x 22" India ink on paper Formless Substance "There is a formless substance from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. "Man can form things in his thought, and – by impressing his thought upon formless substance – can cause the thing he thinks about to be created." - Wallace D. Wattles