How To Promote Peace and Live Peacefully

How To Promote Peace and Live Peacefully

The first step in helping to bring about a more peaceful world is to make sure you are living peacefully. This means respecting the life, liberty, and property of others while ruling yourself. This is what Robert LeFevre referred to as “Autarchy.” It simply means to rule yourself and no other. It has also been described as live and let live.

But there are other ways that you can advance peace. One is to stop financing war, murder, theft, kidnapping, slavery, and other forms of aggression. The biggest violators of life, liberty, and property are people acting as “government.” When you hold fiat money, you are indirectly financing their violent actions. People acting in government capacity are responsible for immeasurable destruction, and hundreds of millions of deaths throughout history .

Learn how to question everything. Barter, trade, and store your value with bearer assets that do not have counterparty risk like gold, silver, bitcoin, unforgeable art, and your own goods and services. Ponder the myth of the innocent civilian, and make changes to the way you live. Withdraw your direct and indirect support of violent people, and support those who advance peace and liberty. When you dig deeper, you will discover that bank “IOU” money is not yours anyway. Neither are most securities.

When you do these things you can sleep well knowing that you are doing everything you can to create a more peaceful world.

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